Leap. Did that word just make your stomach turn just a little? There’s a reason why. More often than not, a leap happens quickly. You cannot hesitate when you leap. You must approach a leap with confidence and the realization you might fall.
One of my favorite depictions of the definition of the word is the iconic scene from Dirty Dancing where Baby runs and leaps into Johnny’s arms. Johnny gives a head nod to Baby; she nods back and runs full force as he lifts her into the air. She never stops. She doesn’t hesitate. She trusts Johnny to do what he should do. When we take a leap of faith, we are making a decision to trust ourselves, and trust those around us. Yes, change can be scary. However, how will we grow if we never leap into change?
Are you in a season right now where you need to take a leap of faith? Are you going to trust the people in your life to support you and do what they can to uplift you? I encourage you to not hesitate. Leap!!!!! You’ve got this.
Light and Love-