In one of my favorite films of all time, Remember the Titans, Julius Campbell said,
“Attitude reflects leadership… captain.”
This quote sets such a tone for leadership. If leadership cannot exhibit the correct behaviors, why should they expect other team members to step up and demonstrate excellence and integrity? When our attitude isn’t reflecting a growth mindset rooted in excellence and integrity, it’s time to complete a self-check in. Ask yourself the following questions when you are recognizing a negative attitude in your day to day.
Who am I surrounding myself with? Are their attitudes rooted in excellence?
Why is my attitude bad?
How can I consider gratitude in the tasks I have been given?
In what ways can I help my leadership change their attitude?
How can I reflect a positive attitude and growth mindset to others?
Of course there are many other self-reflection questions you can ask, but these should bring you back to your purpose and a positive mindset. It’s okay to be realistic- we are all going to go through waves of the “worst attitude,” just don’t sit there too long.
Light and Love-